EPISODE 162: RISE Replay

Celebrate Women’s History Month with these community leaders

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we go into our archives to bring you a story about two incredible community builders in our city.

Nunu Desalgne and Hayat El-Ossmani were recognized for their community work at the 2022 RISE Awards. The RISE Awards are presented by Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers to recognize immigrant success in Edmonton. Hayat and Nunu received The Community Leadership Award, sponsored by Edmonton Community Foundation. This award recognizes newcomers who demonstrate a commitment to community engagement, with the goal of creating a more welcoming and inclusive community for all.

Since 2003, The RISE Awards have celebrated newcomers who have built strong communities through social, cultural and economic development.

Find out more about the RISE Awards.
Meet more recipients.
Lear more about the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers