October 24, 2017
Welcome to the High Level Lit Anthology: Musings on YEG for Canada’s 150th
In collaboration with Eighteen Bridges Magazine and LitFest Alberta, Edmonton Community Foundation has commissioned 13 writers from Edmonton to reflect on our city in light of Canada’s 150th. We are pleased to announce that the printed anthology is now available. If you like a hardcopy of the anthology please email info@ecfoundation.org and we would be happy to mail you a few copies free of charge.
The High Level Lit contributors include:
Malcolm Azania
Nasra Adem
Jalal Barzani
Jennifer Cockrall-King
Richard van Camp
Darrin Hagen
Myrna Kostash
Omar Mouallem
Catrin Owen & Ben Wheelwright
Roland Pemberton
Anna Marie Sewell
Paula Simons
You can also listen to a handful of interviews with some of the authors by visiting The Well-Endowed Podcast here.