October 24, 2019
Founded in 1977, the Financial Services Group celebrated 40 successful years in business in 2017. With founders Gary and Myrna Kwasnecha moving into retirement, their son, Scott, decided to honour his parents’ legacy with the help of Edmonton Community Foundation. Hence was born the Financial Services Group Community Trust Fund.
“I wanted to create a little bit of a legacy for the business, and for them, that would carry on,” Scott explains.
Through the endowment fund, the Financial Services Group can ensure a contribution to the community that will surpass quarterly or annual donations and live for years to come.
The fund’s first grant was to the BriarPatch Family Life Education Centre, a non-profit organization that delivers programming to families in Strathcona County. After learning that a team member had a personal connection with BriarPatch’s H.E.A.R.T.S. program, the Financial Services Group knew this was the perfect fit. H.E.A.R.T.S. Baby Loss Support Program supports anyone
touched by the tragic loss baby during pregnancy or any time after birth.
“It was a really easy decision for us to support that cause,” Scott shares.
It is Gary’s hope that the fund grows to more than a million dollars in his lifetime, so it can help as many people as possible.
Gary and Scott encourage anyone with a passion to consider starting a fund.
“You don’t need a lot of money; that’s probably the biggest message,” Scott states. “I do encourage everybody to look into Edmonton Community Foundation; there’s so many unique causes that cover everything.”