Kelly Mah Memorial Fund

The Kelly Mah Fund was created in the memory of Kelly Mah (mother, friend, wife and lawyer) to benefit the Pilgrims Hospice Society.  During her life, Kelly championed the underdog and was dedicated to helping those who were treated unfairly.   After her breast cancer diagnosis, Kelly fought for provincial health care coverage of chemotherapy drugs so that cost would not be barrier to treatment, and to extend the lives of all women.  Kelly won this battle, but succumbed to breast cancer in September 2011 when she was 42.

Kelly bravely fought this disease for 3 years and endured many painful treatments so that she could enjoy being a mother to her young daughter, Audrey as long as possible.  Kelly battled cancer with dignity and tenacity, but kept her sense of humour and kindness until her death.  As she approached the end, Kelly saw a need for care and compassion for the dying and support for their families.  Kelly was especially concerned for children facing the loss of a parent, not only because she was a mother, but also because she lost her father when she was 12.  With these considerations in mind, the Pilgrims Hospice Society was chosen as the beneficiary of the Kelly Mah Fund.  The Pilgrims Hospice Society provides supportive and compassionate family centered care to enhance the quality and dignity of life for those diagnosed with a progressive, life-threatening illness as well as solace to those who are bereaved.

With your help, the Kelly Mah Fund will enable those at the end of life to enjoy their last moments in peace and comfort, knowing their loved ones will be supported.

How Endowment Funds Work

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